Brooklyn, New York, United States
Benji Omega is a one of a kind knitted accessory line founded in fall 2008 by designers Oli & Ivi. Headquartered in New York City, Benji Omega prides itself on showcasing the juxtaposition of an age-old craft and eclectic style. Most of the company products are handmade; as a result, no design is ever the same as the last. While, many of the hand knitted products are limited edition, some of the most popular selections are available throughout the year. By shedding light on urban elegance, Benji Omega is growing on an international level.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Men's Line?

Greetings Benji SeekersTM!

There's been a lot going on with the company this season and we're really glad you're with us.
Between skyrocketing sales, promotional events, photo shoots, and new designs we've been receiving a lot of feedback from our fans and customers alike.

It seems what everyone wants to know is:
Does Benji Omega have room for a Men's Line of knitted accessories?

To this we proudly respond YES!

In fact designers Oli & Ivi are already designing away in preparation for the lines launch.

We are expecting to launch the Men's Line this Fall/Winter of 2010.

So Stay Tuned Fellas! We haven't forgotten about you.

Stylishly Yours,

Oli & Ivi

Monday, April 19, 2010

New Business Cards!

Hello All!


Luckily for us we've recently received the new design options. However, we're having trouble choosing between the logo placement.
With that said, we've decided to ask YOU [our beloved Benji Seekers
TM ] for your opinion on this matter.

Tell Us:

Which Design Is Better?

Design A


Design B

Remember that this card will be very important to Benji Omega company relations and will often serve as the first impression between potential partners.
We're trusting that you all can help us make the right decision.

Thanks For The Help And Choose Wisely!

Stylishly Yours,
Oli & Ivi

Special Thanks To:

Tyree W. Images [Card Designer]

Monday, April 12, 2010

Benji Goes To BOSTON!

Greetings Benji Seekers!

We are proud to announce that Benji Omega knitted accessories will be featured in a Boston fashion show on April 24th.
Although, exact details of the show are somewhat limited we have received word that we will be the exclusive accessory line; meaning we will be providing ALL the accessories to the 3 apparel companies featuring collections.

Excited Yet?

If you'd like to join us in Boston, we will be posting more event information as it is received.

Stay With Us!

Stylishly Yours,
Oli & Ivi

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Benji. Is It You?

Greetings Benji Seekers!

In the midst of launching the new Be Benji campaign, designers Oli & Ivi managed to find the words that sum up their conceptual premise:

Tell Us What You Think!

Stylishly Yours,
Oli & Ivi

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Following Benji Just Got Easier!

Is it Benji You Seek?
Simply Follow THIS Blog!

"Benji Speaks" is your golden ticket to staying up-to-date with Benji Omega related news, blurbs, events and updates. Seeing as our website hits have skyrocketed in the past month we see it only fitting to invite our valuable customers to Follow our blog; Benji Speaks!

Using your:

oraccount, all you have to do is click 'Follow' on the right hand panel and enter your account name.
Just like that you'll be connected, and a thumbnail picture of you will appear on the panel.

We look forward to seeing you soon Benji Seeker!

Sylishly Yours,
Oli & Ivi

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Greetings Benji Seekers!

We have been experimenting with some advertisements to honor our Spring Collection and our upcoming Ad Campaign: Be Benji.

Although logistics of the ad campaign are still in the works, we've decided to showcase a prototype preview of what is to come. Enjoy!

Details of the ad campaign are coming soon!
We Promise To Keep You Posted.

Stylishly Yours,
Oli & Ivi

Advertisement By: Damanick Dantes
Photographer: Danielle Marie Sidoti
Makeup Artist: Seema Veanera Ramjit
Model: Cathy Bao